Castor oil
Castor oil has many wonderful health benefits and has been used medicinally for thousands of years although most people are only familiar with it as a strong laxative. Castor oil is a fatty acid that is 90% ricinoleic acid, which is known to prevent illness and strengthen the immune system. Castor oil medicine can’t be taken internally or applied externally impulse this is in packs or rubbed directly on the affected areas.
Castor oils anti-inflammatory properties help treat pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism. Castor oil packs applied externally may help to detoxify the body, illuminate, lymphatic, congestion, increase white blood cells, and reduce inflammation. Castor oriole has also been used to treat many every day problems such as yeast, infections, constipation, gastrointestinal problems, menstrual disorders, migraines, acne, sunburn athletes, foot, ringworm skin, abrasions, and inflammation. And pregnant women cash the world has been used to induce labor.
preparation and application:
- internal as a laxative or purgative take 1 teaspoon in the morning. You can mix the oil with a juice such as orange, cranberry or ginger to take away the taste. You should feel the effects in 6 to 12 hours. Do not take continuously for more than three days.
External application to treat a range of skin conditions, fungus in information:
- massage castor oil on the affected area and cover or wrap in a cloth, soaked in castor oil at night time and let sit overnight.
- soak a piece of wool, cotton or natural flannel and castor oil and placed it on the affected area. Cover the cloth with a thin piece of plastic ( bag, saran wrap, etc ). And then place a heating pad or hot water bottle over the plastic to heat the pack. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours overnight.